To the category: Prepared slides / Slides «Miscellaneous»
A kit of 25 slides showing different biological principles and mechanisms. It is useful as a material for general biology extracurriculars or as an addition to the "Anatomy", "Botany", "Zoology" kits.
Each slide of the microscope is labelled with a sticker in English. Additionally, a brochure describing the slides of this and other SIGETA kits is included in the package.
Among the samples are a variety of fungi, leaves and stems, mosses and lichens; there is also material for an observatory class on plant reproduction methods (illustrations of algae conjugation, pollen germination, etc.).
The glasses are placed in a lockable wooden box and securely fixed in special slots so there is no risk of damaging them.
The kit includes the following specimens:
1. Penicillium (mould fungus)
2. Aspergillus (mould fungus)
3. Black bread mould
4. Yeast, swab
5. Fungus cap, section
6. Lily leaf, transverse section
7. Corn leaf, transverse section
8. Garden bean leaf, transverse section
9. Corn stalk, transverse section
10. Pea seed, longitudinal section
11. Corn root, longitudinal section
12. Pumpkin stalk, longitudinal section
13. Chlamydomonas
14. Epidermal fragment of an onion
15. Onion root, transverse section
16. Spirogyra filament connecting (conjugation)
17. Lichen, section
18. Moss archaegonium, longitudinal section
19. Fern sporophyte
20. Flower petal
21. Pollen sprouting
22. Lily ovary, longitudinal section
23. Leaf of a needle-flowered jasmine, transverse section
24. Leaf of sown rice, transverse section
25. Hydril whorled