To the category: Prepared slides / Entrance series
Do grasshoppers have transparent wings? Which way do the butterfly's "knees" face? Who wears larger shoes - a grasshopper or a butterfly? And how can one bee's whisker contain 8.5 thousand olfactic and tactile organs?
You can find the answers to these and many other questions by yourself! Furthermore, you won't have to catch bees, run after butterflies with a net, or convince a butterfly to sit still under the lens of a microscope.
Slide kits for SIGETA's microscope "Slender Insect" encourage your child be interested in biology long before they start learning this subject at school. You don't have a microscope? Hopefully this will soon be available, since separate specimens can also be viewed through a magnifying glass, without special optics.
1. Butterfly wing
2. Butterfly leg
3. Butterfly whisker
4. Grasshopper wing.
5. Grasshopper leg
6. Antenna-whisker of grasshopper
7. Bee wing
8. Bee leg
9. Antenna-whisker of bee
10. Dragonfly wing
11. Dragonfly leg
12. Butterfly belly